Feedspots filling our bowl with pride

Wiggles is on cloud 9 after Collectibulldogs.com was voted 15th in the top 30 Antiques blogging & Websites by Feedspot!

Wiggles is on cloud 9 after Collectibulldogs.com voted 15th in the top 30 Antiques blogging & Websites by Feedspot!

Hi there readers I hope your all safe and well, today’s article comes as a pleasant shock and surprise as I share great news from the founder of FEEDSPOTS (top blogging artle website) and team, I never knew that my blog articles were being read or seen which I’ve mentioned before so get an email from FEEDSPOT was a bolt out of the blue.
I received an email with no official header so when I started reading that I had been voted by a team of Panellists as the 15TH most popular antiques blogging website on the internet, when I found this to be true I was amazed and even took a screen shoot just so I do not have to keep pinching myself.

Feedspot who’s been filling our bowl

So after contacting the email sender I looked up FEEDSPOT and asked how it works and they are BIG, with 1.7 million readers and users FEEDSPOTS up there with the top blogging distribution websites and we were chosen by them to be one of their top antiques websites.
I will keep in contact with FEEDSPOT as we don’t sell so these kinds of accolades could help draw in viewers and guest bloggers too, we are unique and the first of our kind so I’m going to strive for a FEEDSPOTS top place In time to come.

Feedspots continued

2018 has been a quite year collecting wise for Collectibulldogs but putting out and recycling my articles seems to of done the trick and if there’s no more achievements for us this year we are content with this accolade for the website and will get back to it either through buying new pieces or researching my own.



Thank you to Anuj Agarwal and the whole FEEDSPOT team this means I should receive more interest and have had one blogger ask to guest here already, the blogs go to feedspot via the CSS feed so we gratefully acknowledge that our posts will get seen for a while but I’m not sure how long our achievement lasts.
FEEDSPOT just asked for a small shoutout in exchange for the kindness shown but I felt so much pride I thought to blog about this whilst saying thank you to FEEDSPOT, I’m sending this off to Anuj whom may wish to add he’s own piece about FEEDSPOT he is the founder and his bio if left could help other bloggers readers and his own FEEDSPOT company.

Thank you to the feedspot founder for info

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I guess articles like this are why we won 15TH place from 10 thousand websites looked at that put out antiques content

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